Page:Anna Chapin--Half a dozen boys.djvu/98

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as she took it. “I didn’t know we were going to have an oyster supper, Rob.”

As a frolic, it was a great success; but as a meal it would hardly have satisfied a ravenous appetite. Oysters were small and scarce, though Rob succeeded in finding quite a number. Then, too, the operation of opening them was attended with some difficulty, which was increased by Fuzz, who persisted in running away with the oysters that were laid by in reserve. But the rapidly sinking sun and the rising tide warned Bess that it was high time to think of a return; so Rob was forced to abandon his search for more food, and they turned their faces homeward.

As they came into the village again, Bess said,—

“I must just stop a moment at Fred’s. Will you come too? He is coming up to-morrow to stay till Monday, and I want to tell him what time I’ll go down after him.”

“Whew!” Rob vented his feelings in a long whistle. “However’d you get him started? I’ll go with you, though.”

“He didn’t want to come, when I first pro-