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reasoning; and, notwithstanding this, he listened, feeling that his words were the manifestation of that irresistible force which ruled his life, and to which he would finally submit.

"The only question is, how, on what conditions, you will consent to a divorce; for she will never dare to ask anything of you, and will give herself up entirely to your magnanimity."

"My God! my God! why has this come upon me?" thought Alekseï Aleksandrovitch; and, as he remembered the condition of divorce in which the husband assumed the blame, from shame he buried his face in his hands, as Vronsky had done.

"You are distressed; I understand it; but if you will consider ...."

"'Whosoever smiteth thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any man would take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also,'" thought Alekseï Aleksandrovitch.—"Yes, yes!" he cried, in his piping voice. "I will take all the shame upon myself; I will even give up my son . ....But will it not be better to leave all that? However, do as you please." ....

And turning away from his brother-in-law, that he might not see his face, he sat down near the window. He was grieved; he was ashamed; but with this grief and shame he felt a sense of happiness and emotion in the consciousness of his own humility.

Stepan Arkadyevitch was touched.

"Alekseï Aleksandrovitch, be assured that she will appreciate your generosity," said he, after a pause. " It is, without doubt, the will of God," he added; but he felt, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, what a foolish remark it was, and he could hardly restrain a smile at his own foolishness.

Alekseï Aleksandrovitch would have replied, but tears prevented him.

"This trial comes by fate, and it must be accepted. I accept it as an accomplished fact, and I will try to help you and her," said Stepan Arkadyevitch.

When Stepan Arkadyevitch left his brother-in-law's