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It was indeed Golenishchef, one of Vronsky's schoolmates in the Corps of Pages. He had belonged to the liberal party in the Corps, and, after his graduation, he had taken a civil rank, and had not served. The comrades had entirely drifted apart since their graduation, and had met only once. At that meeting Vronsky had perceived that Golenishchef looked down from the lofty heights of his chosen liberal profession on Vronsky's profession and career. Consequently, Vronsky at that meeting with Golenishchef had given him that cold and haughty reception with which it was his fashion to treat people, as much as to say: "You may like or dislike my manner of life, but it is absolutely of no consequence to me; you must respect me if you want to know me." Golenishchef had been scornfully indifferent to Vronsky's manner. That meeting, it would seem, should have driven them still farther apart; yet now, at the sight of each other, they each uttered a cry of delight. Vronsky had never realized how glad he would be to see Golenishchef; but the fact was that he did not know how bored he was. He forgot the unpleasant impression of their previous meeting, and with manifest pleasure extended his hand to his old comrade. And likewise a look of satisfaction succeeded the troubled expression on Golenishchef's face.

"How glad I am to see you!" said Vronsky, with a friendly smile which showed his handsome white teeth.

"I heard the name Vronsky, but which .... I did not know .... I am very, very glad."

"But come in. Well, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I have been living here for more than a year, working."

"Ah!" said Vronsky, with interest. "But come in."

And, according to the habit of Russians, instead of saying in Russian what he did not wish to be understood by servants, he said in French: -

"Do you know Madame Karenin? We have been traveling together. I was just going to her room."