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her she was sitting in the same toilet which she had worn at the theater. She was sitting in the first chair she had come to, near the wall, looking straight before her. When she saw Vronsky enter, she glanced at him without moving.

"Anna," he said.

"You, you are to blame for it all!" she exclaimed, rising, with tears of anger, and despair in her voice.

"I begged you, I implored you, not to go; I knew that it would be unpleasant to you." ....

"Unpleasant!" she exclaimed; "it was horrible! I shall not forget it as long as I live. She said that it was a disgrace to sit near me."

"She was a stupid woman to say such a thing; but why did you run the risk of hearing it; why did you expose yourself?"....

"I hate your calm way. You should never have driven me to this; if you loved me ...."

"Anna! what has my love to do with this?" ....

"Yes, if you loved me as I love you, if you suffered as I ...." she said, looking at him with an expression of terror.

He felt sorry for her, and yet he was vexed with her. He protested his love, because he saw that it was the only way to calm her; and he refrained from reproaching her, but in his heart he reproached her.

And his expressions of love, which seemed to him so banal that he was ashamed of himself for repeating them, she drank in, and gradually became herself again.

Two days later they left for the country, completely reconciled.