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Stiva's in regard to her. Stiva says her whole aim of life consists in proving her preeminence over Aunt Katerina Pavlovna. That is all true of her; but she is good, I assure you, and I am so grateful to her. At Petersburg there was a time when un chaperon was indispensable. Then she came along just in time. It is really true; she is good. She made my position much easier. I see you don't know how difficult my position was .... there in Petersburg!" she added. "Here I am very comfortable and happy. But about this afterward. But I must tell you about our guests. Then there's Sviazhsky; he is the marshal of the district,[1] and a very clever man, and he needed Alekseï for something. You see, with his fortune, now, as we live in the country, Alekseï can wield a wide influence. Then Tushkievitch; you have met him; he was at Betsy's; but they sent him off, and he came to visit us. As Alekseï says, he is one of those very agreeable men, if one takes him just as he wishes to appear, et puis il est comme il faut, as the Princess Varvara says. And then Veslovsky .... you know him. A very good young fellow," she said, and a mischievous smile curled her lips. "How about that absurd story he told of Levin? Veslovsky told Alekseï, and we don't believe it. Il est très gentil et naïf," she added, with the same smile. "I have to entertain all these people, because men need amusement, and Alekseï needs society; and we have to make it lively and gay, so that Alekseï won't want something new. We also have with us the superintendent. He is a German, a very good man, who understands his business; Alekseï has great esteem for him. Then there's the doctor, a young man who is not exactly a Nihilist, but, you know, he eats with his knife, but a very good doctor. Then the architect,—une petite cour."

  1. Predvodityel, marshal of the nobility.