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counts than by tears. Another noble with a turn for humor related how lackeys in short clothes had been ordered for the former marshal's ball, and how now these lackeys would have to be discharged unless the new marshal of the government should give balls with lackeys in short clothes.

During all the time of the dinner, whenever they addressed Nevyedovsky they called him "your excellency,"[1] and all spoke of him as "our government marshal."[2] This was spoken with the same sort of satisfaction as people feel when they address a newly married woman as madame and add her husband's name.

Nevyedovsky pretended that he was not only indifferent, but even scorned this new title, but it was evident that he was happy and was exercising self-control not to betray his enthusiasm, since to do so would not be becoming to the new liberal environment in which they all found themselves.

After dinner a number of telegrams were sent off to people who were interested in the result of the elections. And Stepan Arkadyevitch, who felt very gay, sent Darya Aleksandrovna a despatch thus worded:—

Nevyedovsky elected by twenty majority. I am well. Regards to all.

He dictated it aloud, and added, "I want to make them feel happy." But when Darya Aleksandrovna received the despatch, she only sighed for the ruble which it cost, and she knew well that it was sent during a dinner. She knew that Stiva had a weakness at the end of dinners faire jouer le télégraphe.

The dinner was excellent, and the wines came from no Russian dealer, but were directly imported from abroad; and everything was noble, simple, and joyous. The guests, twenty in number, were selected by Sviazhsky from among the new liberal workers, and they were united in sentiments, keen-witted, and thoroughly well-bred. They drank many toasts, accompanied by witty

  1. Vashe prevoskhodityektvo.
  2. Nash gubernsky predvodityel.