Page:Anna Katharine Green - Leavenworth Case.djvu/157

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Henry Clavering

"What is your own idea in regard to it?"

"Well, I think upon the whole it will make but little difference in public opinion. Those who thought Eleanore guilty before will feel that they possess now greater cause than ever to doubt her innocence; while those who have hitherto hesitated to suspect her will not consider that the comparatively small amount bequeathed her would constitute an adequate motive for so great a crime."

"You have heard men talk; what seems to be the general opinion among those you converse with?"

"That the motive of the tragedy will be found in the partiality shown in so singular a will, though how, they do not profess to know."

Mr. Gryce suddenly became interested in one of the small drawers before him.

"And all this has not set you thinking?" said he.

"Thinking," returned I. "I don’t know what you mean. I am sure I have done nothing but think for the last three days. I——"

"Of course—of course," he cried. "I did n’t mean to say anything disagreeable. And so you have seen Mr. Clavering?"

"Just seen him; no more."

"And are you going to assist Mr. Harwell in finishing Mr. Leavenworth’s book?"

"How did you learn that?"

He only smiled.

"Yes," said I; "Miss Leavenworth has requested me to do her that little favor."

"She is a queenly creature!" he exclaimed in a burst of enthusiasm. Then, with an instant return to his business-like tone: "You are going to have opportunities, Mr. Raymond. Now there are two things I