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" Wednesday.— About noon, came to Staunton; where, it being court time, I met with a number of my old acquaintances, who professed great joy to see me. I stayed in town till towards evening, and then rode to John Trimble's. This day I travelled about twenty-two miles.

"Thtrsday.— Continued at Mr. Trimble's.

"Friday.— Went to John Moffett's. [John Moffett was buried in the North Mountain grave-yard. His grave is marked by a sandstone, but all the inscription, except the name, has viforn out]

"Sa/urday.— Returned to Mr. Trimble's; and, in the evening, Benjamin Brown brought me a pair of shoes, for which I paid him 8s. (Very cheap shoes.)

"Saddaik (the fourth in November.)— Preached at the North Mountain, and lodged with Matthew Thompson.

"Monday.—This day I rode in company with John Thompson about sixteen miles to see my uncle on Back creek; found them all well.

"Tuesday.—This morning proving very stormy, we thought it most convenient to return again to the settlements, and, accordingly, I took leave of my relations, and though it snowed excessively, we set to the road, and in the evening came again to Matthew Thompson's.

"Wednesday.—Went to Hugh Torbet's; from thence to Alexander Mitchell's, where I tarried all night.

"Thursday.—Came to Joseph Blair's.

"Friday (ist. December.)—Rode to John Moffett's in the evening. Got a tooth pulled by Wendal Bright. Tarried here until Sabbath.

"Sabbath (the first in December.)—Preached at the stone meeting-house, and in the evening rode in to Staunton in company with Mrs. Reed. Lodged at Mr. Reed's.

[Mrs. Reed afterwards, while a widow, became the second wife of Colonel George Mathews, from whom she was divorced. She lived to extreme old age in the low frame house which formerly stood on the south side of Beverley street, between Augusta and Water streets. A few persons still living remember her. She was generally called "Aunt Reed."]

"Monday.—I left town. Called at Mr. Trimble's and lodged with Mr. Moffett.