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the town. Many cold winter nights he presented himself at the doors of citizens and begged to be taken in. Often he entered without per- mission, and ladies were sometimes aroused from sleep at night by his efforts to rekindle the fire in their chambers. But Johnny was too fond of a dram, and sometimes became intoxicated. Then the boys teased him, and he became dangerous, throwing stones, and defending himself with the utmost vigor.

The chief tormentor of Johnny Pea was a poor waif, a strapping young negro woman called Crazy Nance, who, however, was probably a born idiot. She was claimed by nobody, could not be induced to do any work, nor to remain at the poor-house, and roamed at large according to her own fancy, except when confined in jail. Where she was born, or properly belonged, we have never ascertained. She was generally harmless, but sometimes became mischievous, and being very stout, the person she picked a quarrel with was liable to suffer serious injury. Johnny Pea and she occasionally came in conflict, and engaged in pitched battles in the public streets. These two unfortunates long ago passed away.