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creek, in Beverley Manor, for the nominal consideration of five shillings. He also acquired lands by patent from the government. He survived till about the year 1794. His children were five sons, Audly, John, Andrew, William, and Archibald, and a daughter named Lettice.

Andrew Hamilton married, in Augusta, Jane Magill, a native of Pennsylvania, and in 1765 removed to South Carolina and settled at Abbeville, in the neighborhood of Andrew Pickens, afterwards the celebrated General Pickens, who had gone with his parents from Augusta some years previously. Both Hamilton and Pickens entered the military service at the beginning of the Revolutionary war. The former served through the whole war, first as captain and then as major under General Pickens, and took part in nearly all the important battles in South Carolina and Georgia. At one time he was imprisoned in a block-house on his own estate.

After the war. Major Hamilton was elected to the Legislature of South Carolina, and continued to serve in that capacity till he was unfitted for it by old age. Then he was requested to nominate his successor, who was immediately elected.

The life of Major Hamilton was long and eventful. He died January 19, 1835, in the ninety-fifth year of his age, his wife having died April 20, 1826, in her eighty-sixth year. The remains of this aged and distinguished couple lie in the cemetery of Upper Long Cane Church, of which General Pickens and Major Hamilton are said to have been the first elders.

Major Hamilton is described as a strict Presbyterian in his religious faith and a man of inflexible will, dauntless courage, and superb physical development. He left many descendants, and among them are the Simonds and Ravenels, of Charleston, Parkers and Waties, of Columbia, Calhouns, of South Carolina and Georgia, and Alstons and Cabells, of Virginia. Some time before the year 1830, Major Hamilton and one of his daughters, Mrs. Alston, made a trip on horseback from South Carolina to Augusta county, to visit the spot where he was born and reared. It was his first visit—one of tender remembrance—since he had left the county in his youth. A brother of his went to Kentucky and was the founder of a wealthy and distinguished family.

The Rev. Charles Cummings was born in Ireland and emigrated to Lancaster county, Virginia, where he taught school and studied theology with the Rev. James Waddell. He was licensed to preach by Hanover Presbytery at Tinkling Spring, April 17, 1766. As stated, he became pastor of Brown's meeting-house congregation in 1767. The elders present at his ordination were George Moffett, Alexander Walker, and John McFarland. In 1773 he was called to minister to two congregations on the Holston. and settled near Abingdon. The call was signed by one hundred and twenty heads of families—Campbells, Blackburns, Edmondsons, Christians, Thompsons, Montgomerys, and