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INDIAN WARS, &C., FROM 1756 TO 1758.

Although the preceding chapter closed so peacefully, the war was not over. In fact the worst part of it was still to come, and for eight years longer there was no peace on the frontiers, and no feeling of security by any of the white settlers west of the Blue Ridge.

It is impossible to relate a tenth part of all the stories of adventure during these stirring times which have come down to us. Many of these are of doubtful authority, and others founded on fact are so marred by mistakes as to time, place, &c., that they have to be omitted. Nobody appears to have cared or thought at the time of making a record of passing events, and in the course of a few generations oral tradition became contradictory and unreliable.

Governor Gilmer and other writers relate that the house of Colonel John Lewis was assailed by Indians on one occasion when the sons and retainers of the family were absent. Though old and infirm. Colonel Lewis is said to have stationed himself at a port-hole and kept up a constant shooting at the Indians, whilst his wife reloaded the guns. His sons and servants hearing the report of guns returned home and drove the Indians off.

As related, this story is inconsistent with the authentic history of the times. It is not probable that any dwelling within two miles of Staunton was ever besieged or assailed by hostile Indians. We know, however, that before war had arisen, parties of Indians often traversed the country, calling at houses, and soliciting, and to some extent demanding, supplies, just as white "tramps" do now-a-days. Very likely, during this time, a party