Page:Annie Besant, Marriage A Plea for Reform, second edition 1882.djvu/76

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13 Clarke’s Critical Review. Pub. at os. Ccl. 41G pp., 2s. 6d. P. 3|d. Skakspere’s Seven Ages of Man, with photographic illustra- tions, stiff paper covers, post free Gel. Principles of Reform in th.e Suffrage. By Soadwoeth D. Hodgson. Containing the functions of government, tho determi- nation of the governing classes, and the problem of Reform. Cloth, new and uncut. Is. P. 3d. Harmony of Laws ; or. Analysis of tho Principles Common to the Laws of Civilised Nations. By G. Undt. Gd. P. Id. Pub- lished at 2s. Gd. Different Significations of the Word Religion. By A. J. Ellis, B.A. Published at 3d. Of Discussion as a means of eliciting the Truth. By A. J. Ellls B... Published at 3d. The Principles of Individual Liberty : how far applicable to tho relation of the sexes. By W. C. Coupland. Followed by report of Debate in the London Dialectical Society, in which Mrs, Besant, Miss Vickery, Dr. C. R. Drysdale, Mr. Moncure D. Conway and Mr. Bradlaugh took part. Published at Gd. The Dyer’s Hand; preceded by “The Way to God,” by A. J. Ellis. Pub- lished at 2d. Tho four pamphlets sent together, post free, for 8d. A Secularist’s Principles. — By C. C. Catiell. 3d. P. Id. Published at Is. Homer. The Odyssey; or, the Ten Years Wandering of Odossous, after the Ten Years Siege of Troy. Reproduced in Dramatic Blank Verse, by T. S. Noegatb. Williams & Norgate’s edition, 1863. Cloth, fine condition, 527 pp., 2s. Gd. Jeux d’Esprit, written and spoken by French and English wits and humorists. Collected and edited by Heney S. Leigh. Published at Gs. ; 2s. Gd. P. 4d. Gastronomy as a Fine Art ; or, the Science of Good Living : a translation of the “Physologie du Gout” of Brillat-Savarin. By R. E. Andeesox, M.A. Published at Gs. ; 2s. Gd. P. 4^d. Bound in Scarlet and Gold. Armenia, and the Campaign of 1877. By C. B. Noeman. late Special Correspondent of “ The Times ” at the Seat of Wai’. 4.S4 pp. Published at 18s. With specially prepared maps and plans, 5s. P. lO^^d. The Philosophy of the Conditioned : with Criticisms on John Stuart Mdl’s Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy. By Professor Mansel- 2s. P. 4d. Utilitarianism Explained and Exemplified in Moral and Political Government, in an.swerto John Stuart Mill. 4G3 |jp., cloth Is. Gd. P. 5d. The Science of Exchanges. — By N. A. Xicmn.soN. Is. P. 3d. Ought to be read by all interested in the currency question.