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Page. Letter from the Secretary. sul)iiiittin.i; the Anmial Keport of the Resyeuts

to Cougress m

General subjects of the Annual Report iv

Contents of the Report v

List of Plates i vii

Members ex officio of the Establishment viii

Regents of the Smithsonia.n Institution ix

Proceedings of the Board of Regents :

Meetings of December .j, 190.5. .Janiiary 24. INIarch ('», and iLiy Ki.

1906 XI

Report of the Executive Committee for the year ending .June 30, 190G:

Condition of the fund July 1. 1900 xxiii

Receipts and expenditures for the year xxiv

Appropriation for International Exchanges xxv

Details of expenditures of same xxv

Appropriation for American Ethnology xxvu

Details of expenditures of same xxvii

Appropriation for Astrophysical Observatory xxviii

Details of expenditures of same xxix

Appropriations for the National Museum xxx

Details of expenditures of same xxx

Appropriation for the National Zoological Park xli

Details of expenditures of same xli

Recapitulation xliii

General summary xi.v

Acts and Resolutions of Congress relative to Smithsonian Institution.

etc XLVii


The Smithsonian Institution 1

The Establishment 4

The Board of Regents 4

General considerations . 5

Administration 8

Finances 9

Researches :

Smithsonian grants 11

Hodgkins fimd 12

Naples table 14

Publications 16

The Library 21

International Catalogue of Scientific Literature 21

Preservation of American Antiquities 23

Gifts to the Institution 24

Correspondence -4

Expositions, congresses, and celebrations 25

Miscellaneous , 26