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which had in ancient times caved in. There was no connection between this shelter and the cave Bočkova-di'ra. The caved-in rocks lay on diluvial loam. On the 22d of March, 1904, the working-men found human bones in a nook of the shelter and its side wall. These lay in the loam and were for the most part crushed. Among the parts better preserved is a calvarium of an adult. A skull of an adult and one of a young subject, which lay a little to one side and deeper, are almost wholly shattered. Besides the preceding the excavation yielded a lower jaw, ulna, humerus, radii, parts of the pelvic bones, a femur, tibia, clavicles, vertebræ, and pieces of ribs. Of animal bones the same layer showed, according to Knies and Maška, those of Canis vulpes, Canis lagopus, Canis lupus, Ursus spelæus, Lepus variabilis, Lagomys pusillus, Rangifer tarandus, Cervus alces, and Bos priscus. A further fact of importance is the recovery with the bones (which are preserved partly in the Museum in Úsov, near Olomouc and partly in the Knies collection) of several implements of stone and reindeer antlers, which are evidently of diluvial origin. In the absence of anything of archeological nature of a more recent age we have to agree with the opinion of Maška that the find consists of a triple burial, which dates, most probably, from the time of the Magdalenian culture.

II.—Erroneous, doubtful, or insufficient indications.

The discoveries dealt with in this chapter can not be included among those surely quaternary; they have either been thus designated through error, or it is impossible to determine their exact age on account of insufficient stratigraphic data, while in a few cases it is impossible to judge of the value of the indications given about discoveries made long time ago.


Human remains of Zuzlavice.

The limestone crevices which are found on the right side of the river Voliňka, near the village Zuzlavice, have been explored by the well-known paleontologist, J. N. Woldřich. According to the published accounts of this observer there were collected in two of these clefts and in the quaternary loam which covers the slope and the base of the rocks more than 9,000 fragments of bones and about 13,000 teeth of quaternary animals, representing some 170 species, and with these bones were recovered 150 implements of stone, 200 of bone, about 400 pieces of broken and in some instances worked bones, and finally a quantity of pieces of a human skull. These fragments were at the base of the rocks in a fossa, and near them were found broken bones of a rhinoceros, as well as the remains of a fireplace.