Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/103

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A POEM, &c.
For when by their designing Leaders taught
To strike at Pow'r which for themselves they sought,
The Vulgar gull'd into Rebellion, arm'd,
Their blood to action by the Prize was warm'd.
The Sacred Purple then and Scarlet Gown,
Like sanguine Dye, to Elephants was shewn.
Thus when the bold Typhoeus scal'd the Sky,
And forc'd Great Jove from his own Heaven to fly,
(What King, what Crown from Treasons reach is free,
If Jove and Heaven can violated be?)
The lesser Gods that shar'd his prosp'rous State
All suffer'd in the Exil'd Thund'rers Fate.
The Rabble now such Freedom did enjoy,
As Winds at Sea, that use it to destroy:
Blind as the Cyclops, and as wild as he,
They own'd a lawless savage Libertie,
Like that our painted Ancestors so priz'd,
Ere Empires Arts their Breasts had Civiliz'd.
How Great were then Our Charles his Woes, who thus
Was forc'd to suffer for Himself and us!
He toss'd by Fate, and hurried up and down,
Heir to his Fathers Sorrows, with his Crown,
