Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/108

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Yet as he knew his Blessings worth, took care
That we should know it by repeated Pray'r;
Which storm'd the Skies and ravish'd Charles from thence,
As Heav'n it self is took by violence.
Booth's forward Valour only serv'd to shew,
He durst that duty pay we all did owe:
Th' Attempt was fair; but Heav'ns prefixed hour
Not come: so like the watchful Travellor,
That by the Moons mistaken light did rise,
Lay down again, and clos'd his weary Eyes.
'Twas MONK whom Providence design'd to loose
Those real bonds false Freedom did impose.
The blessed Saints that watch'd this turning Scene,
Did from their Stars with joyful wonder lean,
To see small Clues draw vastest weights along,
Not in their bulk but in their order strong.
Thus pencils can by one slight touch restore,
Smiles to that changed face that wept before.
With ease such fond Chymæra's we persue,
As Fancy frames for Fancy to subdue;
But when our selves to action we betake,
It shuns the Mint like Gold that Chymists make:
