Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/121

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To grace this happy Day, while you appear
Not King of us alone but of the year.
All Eyes you draw, and with the Eyes the Heart,
Of your own Pomp your self the greatest part:
Loud Shouts the Nations Happiness proclaim,
And Heav'n this day is feasted with your Name.
Your Cavalcade the fair Spectators view,
From their high standings, yet look up to you.
From your brave Train each singles out a Prey,
And longs to date a Conquest from your day.
Now charg'd with Blessings while you seek repose,
Officious Slumbers hast your Eyes to close:
And glorious Dreams stand ready to restore
The pleasing shapes of all you saw before.
Next, to the Sacred Temple you are led,
Where waits a Crown for your more Sacred Head:
How justly from the Church that Crown is due,
Preserv'd from Ruin and restor'd by you!
The grateful Quire their Harmony employ
Not to make greater but more solemn Joy.
Wrapt soft and warm your Name is sent on high,
As Flames do on the wings of Incense fly:
