Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/130

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When our Great Monarch into Exile went,
Wit and Religion suffer'd banishment:
Thus once when Troy was wrapt in fire and smoak,
The helpless Gods their burning shrines forsook;
They with the vanquisht Prince and party go,
And leave their Temples empty to the Foe:
At length the Muses stand, restor'd again
To that great charge which Nature did ordain;
And their lov'd Druyds seem reviv'd by Fate,
While you dispense the Laws and guide the State.
The Nations soul (our Monarch) does dispense,
Through you, to us his vital influence;
You are the Chanel where those spirits flow,
And work them higher as to us they go.
In open prospect nothing bounds our Eye,
Until the Earth seems join'd unto the Sky:
So in this Hemisphere our utmost view
Is only bounded by our King and you:
Our sight is limited where you are join'd,
And beyond that no farther Heav'n can find.
So well your Virtues do with his agree,
That though your Orbs of different greatness be,
