Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/132

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( 112 )

But when the Heir of this vast Treasure knew
How large a Legacy was left to you,
(Too great for any Subject to retain,)
He wisely ti'd it to the Crown again:
Yet passing through your hands it gathers more,
As Streams, through Mines, bear Tincture of their Ore.
While Emp'rique Politicians use deceipt,
Hide what they give, and cure but by a cheat;
You boldly shew that Skill which they pretend,
And work by means as noble as your end:
Which should you veil, we might unwind the clue,
As Men do Nature, till we came to you.
And as the Indies were not found, before
Those rich perfumes, which from the happy shore,
The winds upon their balmy wings convey'd,
Whose guilty Sweetness first their World betray'd;
So by your Counsels we are brought to view
A rich and undiscover'd World in you.
By you our Monarch does that same assure,
Which Kings must have or cannot live secure:
For prosp'rous Princes gain the Subjects heart,
Who love that Praise in which themselves have part:
