Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/38

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They charge, re-charge, and all along the Sea
They drive, and squander the huge Belgian Fleet.
Berkley alone, who nearest Danger lay,
Did a like Fate with lost Creusa meet.

The night comes on, we eager to persue
The Combat still, and they asham'd to leave:
Till the last streaks of dying day withdrew,
And doubtful Moon-light did our rage deceive.

In th' English Fleet each ship resounds with Joy,
And loud Applause of their great Lead'rs Fame:
In fiery dreams the Dutch they still destroy,
And slumbring, smile at the imagin'd Flame.

Not so the Holland Fleet, who tir'd and done,
Stretch'd on their Decks like weary Oxen lie:
Faint Sweats all down their mighty Members run,
(Vast bulks which little souls but ill supply.)

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