The Year of Wonders.
But, with a Fore-wind pushing them above,
And swelling Tide that heav'd them from below,
O'er the blind Flats our warlike Squadrons move,
And, with spread Sails, to welcom Battel go.
But, with a Fore-wind pushing them above,
And swelling Tide that heav'd them from below,
O'er the blind Flats our warlike Squadrons move,
And, with spread Sails, to welcom Battel go.
It seem'd as there the British Neptune stood,
With all his hosts of Waters at Command,
Beneath them to submit th' officious Floud:
(u) Levat ipse Tridenti, & vastas aperit Syrtes, &c. Virg. (u) And, with his Trident, shov'd them off the Sand.
It seem'd as there the British Neptune stood,
With all his hosts of Waters at Command,
Beneath them to submit th' officious Floud:
(u) Levat ipse Tridenti, & vastas aperit Syrtes, &c. Virg. (u) And, with his Trident, shov'd them off the Sand.
To the pale Foes they suddenly draw near,
And summon them to unexpected Fight:
They start like Murderers when Ghosts appear,
And draw their Curtains in the dead of night.
To the pale Foes they suddenly draw near,
And summon them to unexpected Fight:
They start like Murderers when Ghosts appear,
And draw their Curtains in the dead of night.
Second Battel.Now Van to Van the foremost Squadrons meet,
The midmost Battels hastning up behind,
Who view, far off, the storm of falling Sleet,
And hear their Thunder ratling in the wind.
Second Battel.Now Van to Van the foremost Squadrons meet,
The midmost Battels hastning up behind,
Who view, far off, the storm of falling Sleet,
And hear their Thunder ratling in the wind.
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