Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/77

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The Year of Wonders.
The Ghosts of Traitors from the Bridge descend,
With bold Fanatick Spectres to rejoyce:
About the Fire into a Dance they bend,
And sing their Sabbath Notes with feeble voice.

Our Guardian Angel saw them where they sate
Above the Palace of our slumbering King,
He sigh'd, abandoning his charge to Fate,
And, drooping, oft lookt back upon the wing.

At length, the crackling noise and dreadful blaze
Call'd up some waking Lover to the sight:
And long it was ere he the rest could raise,
Whose heavy Eye-lids yet were full of Night.

The next to Danger, hot persu'd by Fate,
Half-cloth'd, half-naked, hastily retire:
And frighted Mothers strike their Breasts, too late,
For helpless Infants left amidst the Fire.

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