Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/89

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The Year of Wonders.
Th' Eternal heard, and from the Heav'nly Quire
Chose out the Cherub with the flaming Sword:
And bad him swiftly drive th' approaching Fire
From where our Naval Magazins were stor'd.

The blessed Minister his Wings displai'd,
And like a shooting Star he cleft the night:
He charg'd the Flames, and those that disobey'd
He lash'd to duty with his Sword of light.

The fugitive Flames, chastis'd, went forth to prey
On pious Structures, by our Fathers rear'd:
By which to Heav'n they did affect the way,
E're Faith in Church-men without Works was heard.

The wanting Orphans saw, with watry Eyes,
Their Founders Charity in the Dust laid low:
And sent to God their ever-answer'd cries,
(For he protects the Poor who made them so.)

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