Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 3.djvu/500

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Just published, in demy 8vo, price 10s. 6d., THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION. An Outline of its History in the Church, and of its Exposition from Scripture, WITH Special Keference to Eecent Attacks on the Theology of the Eeformation. Demy 8vo, 640 pp., price 10s. 6d., ANALOGY, AS A GUIDE TO TEUTH, AND AN AID TO FAITH. ' This work is the fullest and most comprehensive discussion of ' Analogy as a Guide to Truth, and an Aid to Faith,' with which we are acquainted, leaving untouched almost no question that has been raised respecting its true nature, its logical foundation, and its legitimate applications. We welcome the publication as a contribution equally interesting and valuable to the cause of science and religion, and one destined, as we believe, to take a permanent place in the theological literature of England. . . . We know of no one who has so successfully applied the principle of Analogy to the grand problems, moral and religious, of the time ; and who has so fully exemplified its marvellous power to answer the objections, and resolve the questions, which recent unbelief has put foi'th.' — The Daily Review^ Nov. 16, 1863. 'Dr. Buchanan's readers will find that he takes them over ground which has been seldom trodden before ; that he clears up and marks out a field which has been too long left unfilled ; and that he brings to his task, not only his rare powers of lucid statement and logical arrangement, but also that eminent candour and fairness, that acuteness of discrimination, that vigorous, comprehensive grasp of principle, which are indispensable to a satisfactory treatment of the doctrine of Analogy in its fundamental and wide-spread forms. . . . His readers will find how eminently he combines intellectual vigour with literary gracefulness — profoundness of thought with felicity and perspicuity of expression — vigorous grasp of principles with easy handling of details — a most scholarlike apprecia- tion of philosophy, and a strict adherence to truly philosophical methods, with a deep religiousness of feeling, and a most stedfast upholding of the faith once delivered to the saints.' — British and Foreign Evangelical Bevieio, April 1864. In Two Volumes, demy 8vo, price 12s., Second Thousand, FAITH IN GOD AND MODERN ATHEISM COMPARED. 'It is a great argument for Theism and against Atheism, — magnificent in its strength, order, and beauty.' — Preface to the American Reprint. ' A book at once for scholars, and for all thinking men.' — The Christian Revieiv. In foolscap 8vo, price 2s. 6d., Twenty-fifth Thousand, COMFORT IN AFFLICTION. A FEW Copies for the Aged in Large Type, 8vo, 7s. 6d. In foolscap 8vo, price 2s. 6d., Ninth Thousand, THE IMPROVEMENT OF AFFLICTION. ' See this whole subject treated in the light of Scripture, and with the results, without the processes, of the highest philosophy, in the two admirable works of Dr. Buchanan on Affliction.'— Dr. M'Cosh, Method of the Divine Government. In crown 8vo, price 6s., Seventh Thousand, THE OFFICE AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. ' Every page shows the ripe divine, the eloquent writer, and the experienced Christian pastor. It is a felicitous mingling of argument and affectionate admonition.' — The Prince- ton Review.