Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 5.djvu/17

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Preface, 375
1. The Lord acknowledged but one God and Father, 377
2. Proofs from the plain testimony of Moses, and of the other prophets, whose words are the words of Christ, that there is but one God, the Founder of the world, whom our Lord preached, and whom He called His Father, 378
3. Answer to the cavils of the Gnostics. We are not to suppose that the true God can be changed, or come to an end, because the heavens, which are His throne, and the earth. His footstool, shall pass away, 382
4. Answer to another objection, showing that the destruction of Jerusalem, which was the city of the great King, diminished nothing from the supreme majesty and power of God, for that this destruction was put in execution by the most wise counsel of the same God, 383
5. The author returns to his former argument, and shows that there was but one God announced by the law and prophets, whom Christ confesses as His Father, and who, through His Word, one living God with Him, made Himself known to men in both covenants, 386
6. Explanation of the words of Christ, "No man knoweth the Father, but the Son," etc.; which words the heretics misinterpret. Proof that, by the Father revealing the Son, and by the Son being revealed, the Father was never unknown, 389
7. Recapitulation of the foregoing argument, showing that Abraham, through the revelation of the Word, knew the Father, and the coming of the Son of God. For this cause, he rejoiced to see the day of Christ, when the promises made to him should be fulfilled. The fruit of this rejoicing has flowed to posterity, viz. to those who are partakers in the faith of Abraham, but not to the Jews who reject the Word of God, 394
8. Vain attempts of Marcion and his followers, who exclude Abraham from the salvation bestowed by Christ, who liberated not only Abraham, but the seed of Abraham, by fulfilling and not destroying the law when He healed on the Sabbath-day, 396
9. There is but one author, and one end to both covenants, 399
10. The Old Testament Scriptures, and those written by Moses in particular, do everywhere make mention of the Son of God, and foretell His advent and passion. From this fact it follows that they were inspired by one and the same God, 403