Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/19

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17. Marcion—his Dualism—derives his System from Empedocles—Sketch of the Doctrine of Empedocles, 290
18. Source of Marcionism—Empedocles reasserted as the Suggester of this Heresy, 296
19. The Heresy of Prepon—follows Empedocles—Marcion rejects the Generation of the Saviour, 298
20. The Heresy of Carpocrates—Wicked Doctrines concerning Jesus Christ—practises Magical Arts—adopts a Metempsychosis, 300
21. The System of Cerinthus concerning Christ, 302
22. Doctrine of the Ebionæans, 303
23. The Heresy of Theodotus, 303
24. The Melchisedecians—The Nicolaitans, 304
25. The Heresy of Cerdon, 305
26. The Doctrines of Apelles—Philumene, his Prophetess, 306
Contents, 308
1. Heresies hitherto refuted—Opinions of the Docetæ, 309
2. Docetic Notion of the Incarnation—their Doctrines of Æons—their Account of Creation—their Notion of a fiery God, 311
3. Christ undoes the Work of the Demiurge—Docetic Account of the Baptism and Death of Jesus—why He lived for Thirty Years on Earth, 313
4. The Docetic Doctrine derived from the Greek Sophists, 316
5. Monoïmus—Man the Universe, according to Monoïmus—his System of the Monad, 317
6. Monoïmus' "Iota"—his Notion of the "Son of Man," 318
7. Monoïmus on the Sabbath—allegorizes the Rod of Moses—Notion concerning the Decalogue, 319
8. Monoïmus explains his Opinions in a Letter to Theophrastus—where to find God—his System derived from Pythagoras, 321
9. Tatian, 322
10. Hermogenes—adopts the Socratic Philosophy—his Notion concerning the Birth and Body of our Lord, 323
11. The Quartodecimans, 324
12. The Montanists—Priscilla and Maximilla their Prophetesses—some of them Noetians, 325
13. The Doctrines of the Encratites, 326