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[Book iv.

Chapter xxiv.

Type of those born under Capricorn.

Those born in Capricorn will be of the following description: reddisli body, projection of greyish hair, round mouth,[1] eyes as of an eagle, contracted brows, open forehead, somewhat bald, in the upper parts of the body endued with more strength. The same by nature are philosophic, scorners, and scoffers at the existing state of things, passionate, persons that can make concessions, honourable, beneficent, lovers of the practice of music, passionate in their cups, mirthful, familiar, talkative, given to unnatural lusts, genial, amiable, quarrelsome lovers, for fellowship well disposed.

Chapter xxv.

Type of those born under Aquarius.

Those born in Aquarius will be of the following description: square in size, of a diminutive body; sharp, small, fierce eyes; imperious, ungenial, severe, readily making acquisitions, for friendship and fellowship well disposed; moreover, for maritime[2] enterprises they make voyages, and perish. The same by nature are taciturn, modest, sociable, adulterers, penurious, practised in business,[3] tumultuous, pure, well-disposed, honourable, large eyebrows; frequently they are born in the midst of trifling events, but [in after life] follow a different pursuit; though they may have shown kindness to any one, still no one returns them thanks.

Chapter xxvi.

Type of those born under Pisces.

Those born in Pisces will be of the following description: of moderate dimensions, pointed forehead like fishes, shaggy hair, frequently they become soon grey. The same by nature

  1. Or, "body."
  2. Literally "moist," or "difficult;" or, the Abbe Cruice suggests, "fortuitous."
  3. Or, "pragmatic, mild, not violent."