Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/192

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up the burden of our sins.[1] Now the angel who appeared to Balaam was the Word Himself; and in His hand He held a sword, to indicate the power which He had from above.


"God is not as a man."[2] He thus shows that all men are indeed guilty of falsehood, inasmuch as they change from one thing to another (μεταφερόμενοι); but such is not the case with God, for He always continues true, perfecting whatever He wishes.


"To inflict vengeance from the Lord on Midian."[3] For this man (Balaam), when he speaks no longer in the Spirit of God, but contrary to God's law, by setting up a different law with regard to fornication,[4] is certainly not then to be counted as a prophet, but as a soothsayer. For he who did not keep to the commandment of God, received the just recompense of his own evil devices.[5]


Know[6] thou that every man is either empty or full. For if he has not the Holy Spirit, he has no knowledge of the Creator; he has not received Jesus Christ the Life; he knows not the Father who is in heaven; if he does not live after the dictates of reason, after the heavenly law, he is not a sober-minded person, nor does he act uprightly: such an one is empty. If, on the other hand, he receives God, who says, "I will dwell with them, and walk in them, and I will be their God,"[7] such an one is not empty, but full.

  1. From one of the mss. Stieren would insert ἐν τῷ ιδίῳ σώματι, in His own body; see 1 Pet. ii. 24.
  2. Num. xxiii. 19.
  3. Num. xxxi. 3.
  4. Num. xxxi. 16.
  5. Num. xxxi. 8.
  6. It is not certain from what work of Irenæus this extract is derived; Harvey thinks it to be from his work περὶ ἔπιστημης, i.e. concerning knowledge.
  7. Lev. xxvi. 12.