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Aaron and Miriam, their sin against Moses, and its punishment, ii. 173.

Abel and Cain, the offerings of, i. 432.

Abominations, the, practised by the Valentinians, i. 26, etc.

Abraham, saw the day of Christ, 388, 394, etc.; vain attempt of Marcion to exclude him from Christ's salvation, 395, etc.; had faith identical with ours, 451; both covenants prefigured in, 459, 460; waited for the promises of God, ii. 142, 143.

Abraxas, Basilides' doctrine of, i. 93.

Acceptable year of the Lord, the, i. 197.

Achamoth, an account of, i. 16; origin of the visible world from, 17, etc.; shall at last enter the Pleroma, 28; asserted to be referred to in Scripture, 33–35.

Adam and Eve, the story of, according to the Ophites, i. 107, 108.

Adam, the first, made a partaker of salvation, i. 362; his repentance signified by the girdle which he made, 336; why driven out of Paradise, 367; in Paradise, ii. 66; sinned on the sixth day of creation, 116–118; death of, 118.

Adam, analogy between the first and the second, i. 359.

Æon, the twelfth, the sufferings of, not to be deduced from Scripture, i. 190; nor typified by the woman with the issue of blood, 203.

Æons, the thirty, of Valentinus, i. 4, etc.; English equivalents of the Greek names of, 5, 6, note; how the thirty are said to be indicated in Scripture, 12; the production of, 152, etc., 168, etc.; further inquiry into and refutation of the speculations respecting, 172–179; the theory of, further exposed, 180, etc., 184, etc.; the twelve apostles not types of the twelve, 194; the thirty, not typified by the baptism of Jesus in His thirtieth year, 196.

Agape, i. 212.

Αἰών, meaning of the term, i. 444.

Aletheia, the Æon so called, i. 5, 7; how her passion is said to be indicated in Scripture, 13; of Ptolemy, 49; revealed by Tetrad, 59, etc.

Aletheia, the numerical value of, does not square with Valentinianism, i. 212.

Anaxagoras, i. 162.

Anaximander, i. 162.

Angels, the world not made by, i. 120, 121; could not be ignorant of the Supreme God, 132.

Angels of the devil, ii. 50, etc.

Animal men, the, of the Valentinians, i. 25, 33.

Animals, clean and unclean, ii. 74.

Anthropos and Ecclesia, the Æons so named, i. 5, 7, 50, 106.

Antichrist, the fraud, pride, and tyranny of the kingdom of, ii. 121–125; concentrates in himself the apostasy, 131; the number of the name of, 135.

Antiphanes, the theogony of, i. 160.

Apator, i. 21.

Apocryphal Scriptures, the, of the Marcosians, i. 79.

Apostles, the twelve, not types of the twelve Æons, i. 194.

Apostles, the, did not begin to preach till endued with the Holy Spirit, i. 258; preached one God, 259; the doctrine of, 296–314; the labours of, lessened by their predecessors, 455.

Aquila and Theodotian, their interpretation of Isa. vii. 14 referred to, i. 351, 352.

Ark of the covenant, i. 207, ii. 163.

Autogenes, i. 102.

Axe, the, made to float by means of wood, ii. 171.

Axe, the, laid at the root, ii. 172.

Balaam, ii. 167; forbidden to curse Israel, 169; his ass a type, 169, 170; slain, 170.

Baptism of Jesus in his thirtieth year not a type of the thirty Æons, i. 196.

Barbeliotea or Borborians, the, i. 101.