Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/227

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Lord, the, is one God, the Father, i. 377; testimony of Moses to, 378, etc.

Lot and his daughters, the typical import of the story of, ii. 1–3; the wife of, turned into a pillar of salt, 3, 4.

Luke, and Paul, i. 316; refutation of the Ebionites who tried to disparage the authority of Paul from the writings of, 320.

Magic, our Lord's miracles not performed by, i. 245.

Magical practices, the, of Marcus, i. 51, etc.

Man, the first, according to the Ophites, i. 104, 105.

Man, God's mercy to, after the fall, i. 347; the object of God's long-suffering, 348; needs a greater than man to save, 349, 350; why not at first made perfect, ii. 42, etc.; endowed with the faculty of distinguishing good and evil, 45; the whole nature of, has salvation conferred on it, 67, etc.; unfruitful, without the Holy Spirit, 78, etc.; all things created for the service of, 133; every, either empty or full, 170.

Man, the threefold kind, feigned by the heretics, i. 24; the respective destinations of the threefold kind of, 28, 33, 34.

Mansions, the many, ii. 156.

Marcion, the doctrines of, i. 98; mutilates the Gospels, ibid.; vain attempt of, to exclude Abraham from Christ's salvation, 396, etc.

Marcionites, the, refuted, in relation to prophecy, ii. 18, etc.

Marcosiaus, the, absurd interpretations of, i. 69–72; absurd theories of, respecting things created, 72–74; appeal of, to Moses, 74–77; cite Scripture to prove that the Father was unknown before the coming of Christ, 78; the apocryphal Scriptures of, 79; pervert the Gospels, 79, 80; views of, respecting redemption, 81–84; departure of, from the truth, 84–86.

Marcus, the deceitful arts and nefarious practices of, i. 51; pretends to confer the gift of prophecy, 52, 53; corrupts women, 54; hypothesis of, respecting letters and syllables, 56–64; pretended revelations of Sige to, 64–69.

Mary, would hasten on Jesus, but is checked by Him, i. 330; and Eve, compared, ii. 106.

Matter, ii. 173, 174.

Men possessed of free-will, ii. 36; not true that some are by nature good, and some bad, 37.

Men, spiritual, ii. 6, etc., 73–80, etc.

Men, the three kinds of, feigned by the heretics, i. 24–27.

Menander, successor to Simon Magus, i. 89.

Mercy, not to be exaggerated at the expense of justice, i. 471.

Metropator, i. 21.

Miracles claimed to be performed by heretics, i. 241; performed by Christ and His disciples, 245.

Moral faculty, the, in man, ii. 45.

Monogenes, the, of Valentinus, i. 5, 7; of Ptolemy, 49.

Monotes, i. 47.

Months, the, do not fall in with the Valentinian theories of Æons, i. 211.

Moses, ii. 172; Aaron and Miriam sin against, 173.

Mother, the, of the Valentinian heresy, i. 185–190.

Naaman cleansed of his leprosy, ii. 174.

Names of God, different, in the Hebrew Scriptures, i. 254, 255.

Names of our Lord, i. 205, 206.

New covenant, the, ii. 19, 20.

Nicolaitanes, the, i. 97.

Nous, or Monogenes, i. 5, 7, 49, 106.

Number of the beast, the, ii. 135–139.

Numbers and letters, the folly of deriving arguments from, i. 204–212.

Oblation, the new, instituted by Christ, ii. 76.

Oblations and sacrifices, i. 431, etc.

Ogdoad, the first, of Valentinus, i. 5, 21; John asserted to have set forth, 34–38, 45, 46, 47.

Old Testament, the, everywhere mentions and predicts the advent of Christ, i. 403.

Olive, the wild, the symbolical significance of, ii. 78, etc.

Ophites, the, i. 104.