Page:Ante-Nicene Fathers volume 1.djvu/145

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one of light, and the other of darkness. But there is a great difference between these two ways. For over one are stationed the light-bringing angels of God, but over the other the angels[1] of Satan. And He indeed (i.e. God) is Lord for ever and ever, but he (i.e. Satan) is prince of the time[2] of iniquity.

Chap. xix.The way of light.

The way of light, then, is as follows. If any one desires to travel to the appointed place, he must be zealous in his works. The knowledge, therefore, which is given to us for the purpose of walking in this way, is the following. Thou shalt love Him that created thee;[3] thou shalt glorify Him that redeemed thee from death. Thou shalt be simple in heart, and rich in spirit. Thou shalt not join thyself to those who walk in the way of death. Thou shalt hate doing what is unpleasing to God: thou shalt hate all hypocrisy. Thou shalt not forsake the commandments of the Lord. Thou shalt not exalt thyself, but shalt be of a lowly mind.[4] Thou shalt not take glory to thyself. Thou shalt not take evil counsel against thy neighbour. Thou shalt not allow overboldness to enter into thy soul.[5] Thou shalt not commit fornication: thou shalt not commit adultery: thou shalt not be a corrupter of youth. Thou shalt not let the word of God issue from thy lips with any kind of impurity.[6] Thou shalt not accept persons when thou reprovest any one for transgression. Thou shalt be meek: thou shalt be peaceable. Thou shalt tremble at the words which thou hearest.[7] Thou shalt not be mindful of evil against thy brother. Thou shalt

  1. Comp. 2 Cor. xii. 7.
  2. Cod. Sin. reads, "of the present time of iniquity."
  3. Cod. Sin. inserts, "Thou shalt fear Him that formed thee."
  4. Cod. Sin. adds, "in all things."
  5. Literally, "shalt not give insolence to thy soul."
  6. "That is, while proclaiming the gospel, thou shalt not in any way be of corrupt morals."—Hefele.
  7. Isa. lxvi. 2. All the preceding clauses are given in Cod. Sin. in distinct lines.