Page:Ante-Nicene Fathers volume 1.djvu/483

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baptize, offer sacrifice[1] ordain, and lay on hands; but thou ministerest to them, as the holy Stephen did at Jerusalem to James and the presbyters. Do not neglect the sacred meetings[2] [of the saints]; inquire after every one by name. "Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example to the believers, both in word and conduct."[3]

Chap. iv.Servants and women are not to be despised.

Be not ashamed of servants, for we possess the same nature in common with them. Do not hold women in abomination, for they have given thee birth, and brought thee up. It is fitting, therefore, to love those that were the authors of our birth (but only in the Lord), inasmuch as a man can produce no children without a woman. It is right, therefore, that we should honour those who have had a part in giving us birth. "Neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man,"[4] except in the case of those who were first formed. For the body of Adam was made out of the four elements, and that of Eve out of the side of Adam. And, indeed, the altogether peculiar birth of the Lord was of a virgin alone. [This took place] not as if the lawful union [of man and wife] were abominable, but such a kind of birth was fitting to God. For it became the Creator not to make use of the ordinary method of generation, but of one that was singular and strange, as being the Creator.

Chap. v.Various relative duties.

Flee from haughtiness, "for the Lord resisteth the proud."[5] Abhor falsehood, for says [the Scripture], "Thou shalt destroy all them that speak lies."[6] Guard against envy, for its

  1. The term ἱερουργέω, which we have translated as above, is one whose signification is disputed. It occurs once in the New Testament (Rom. xv. 16), where it is translated in our English version simply "ministering." Etymologically, it means "to act as a priest," and we have in our translation followed Hesychius (Cent, iv.), who explains it as meaning "to offer sacrifice."
  2. Specially, assemblies for the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
  3. 1 Tim. iv. 12.
  4. 1 Cor. xi. 11.
  5. Jas. iv. 6; 1 Pet. v. 5.
  6. Ps. v. 6.