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Three Poets at Minase

During the misted darkness
Of the last rays of the sun.


Spring (mist). Evening.

The day has ended.
Joyously singing, the birds
Return to their nest.


Spring (birds). Evening.

I walk deep in dark mountains,
Not even the sky my guide.


Evening. Travel.

Although it has cleared
My sleeves are soaked with showers—
This traveling cloak.


Travel. The sleeves are wet not only with rain but with tears caused by his lonely journey.

The light of the moon reveals
My wretched pillow of grass.


Travel. “Pillow of grass” denotes a journey. The traveler with tear-wet sleeves is disclosed by the moon. Night. Autumn (moon).

Many are the vain
Nights unvisited by sleep
As autumn deepens.


Night. Autumn. Love (lying awake at night).

In dreams I quarreled with her;
A wind was stirring the reeds.


Night. Autumn (reeds). In his dream he quarrels with his beloved, and wakens to hear the wind. Love.

I looked—all were gone,
The friends I loved at home,
Vanished without a trace


Dream. When he awakens (like Rip van Winkle) his friends are all dead. May also refer to women he loved. Love. Old age.