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396 Tokugawa Period

Tokubei: Oh, Kuheiji! You certainly are a bold rascal! What business have you running off on pleasure excursions when you still haven’t got in touch with me? Today we settle accounts.

Narrator: He takes Kuheiji’s arm and holds him back.
Kuheiji’s face betrays his irritation.

Kuheiji: What are you talking about, Tokubei? These people with me are all residents of the ward, and we’ve just been to a meeting to raise funds for pilgrimages to Ise. We had a bit to drink, but now we’re on the way home. What do you mean by grabbing my arm? Don’t be rowdy.

Tokubei: I’m not being rowdy. All I want is for you to return the two kamme of silver you borrowed from me on the twenty-eighth of last month, which you were supposed to repay on the third.

Narrator: Before he can even finish his words
Kuheiji bursts into a roar of laughter.

Kuheiji: Have you gone crazy, Tokubei? In all the years I’ve known you I can’t remember having borrowed a penny from you. Don’t accuse me of anything or you’ll regret it.

Narrator: He shakes himself loose, then he and his friends
Whip off their bamboo hats.
Tokubei changes color in amazement.

Tokubei: None of that, Kuheiji! You came wiping to me, saying that if you couldn’t borrow the money to tide you over the end of the month you would go bankrupt, and so, even though the money is indispensable to me in my present predicament, I lent it to you to prove my friendship. I thought that it was one of those occasions we always used to talk about. I told you that I wouldn’t even need a receipt, but you insisted on putting your seal to one, just to keep things straight. Don’t deny it, Kuheiji!

Narrator: Tokubei with bloodshot eyes upbraids him.

Kuheiji: What’s that? I’d like to see just which seal it is.

Tokubei: Do you think I’m afraid to show you?

Narrator: He draws it forth from his inside pocket.

Tokubei: If these gentlemen are from the ward, I am sure that they will recognize your seal. Will you still dispute it?