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402 Tokugawa Period

choice but to die. I wish I could hear him say that he is resolved to die.

Narrator: She says these words as if but to herself,
Then questions with her foot: he nods his head,
And taking her ankle strokes his throat
To let her know that he willed to die.

Ohatsu: I knew it. I knew it. No matter how long one lives it comes to the same thing. Only death can wipe put the disgrace.

Kuheiji: What’s Ohatsu talking about? What’s all this about Tokubei dying? Well, if he does die, I’ll take good care of you after he’s gone. I think you’re really soft on me too!

Ohatsu: You’re most solicitous, I’m sure. If you bestow your favors on me, I’ll kill you for your pains. Is that agreeable? Do you imagine that I could go on living even for a moment if I were separated from Tokubei? Kuheiji, you dirty thief! Nobody could hear your nonsense without being amazed. No matter what happens, I’m going to die with Tokubei. I shall die with him.

Narrator: She taps him with her foot; beneath the porch
He reverently takes it in his hands,
Then embracing her knees he weeps for love.
She too can scarcely keep her features calm,
And though no word is spoken, heart to heart
Answering each other they softly weep.
That no one knows makes it sadder still.

Kuheiji: This place gives me the creeps. Let’s get out of here. It’s a funny thing how the whores here seem to dislike customers like us with lots of money to spend. Let’s head for the Azaya and have a drink there. By the time we’ve tossed around a couple of gold pieces we’ll be ready to go home to bed. Oh, my wallet is so heavy I can hardly walk!

Narrator: Thus spewing forth all manger of abuse
They noisily depart.

Host (to the servants): It’s time already to put out the lights. Lay out beds for the guests who are spending the night. Ohatsu, you sleep upstairs. Get to bed early.

Ohatsu: Master, Mistress. I shall probably never see you again. Fare-