Page:Anthology of Modern Slavonic Literature in Prose and Verse by Paul Selver.djvu/265

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In workshops of masters, pondering over marble, where slumbers
A mightier world of horror and glory and from the fabric of age-old drowsings
Half-illumined arises in the flash of chisels and the creative sparkle of eyes;—
And yonder, where passion on volcanic steeps of death lets blossom
Orange-gardens of yearning and wines and poisons the fieriest ripen
In the feverish never-setting sun; and where lust,
Alchemist poisoned by vapours of his vain ferment,
Raves in hallucinations;—in twilights of mystery and music,
Where pondering draws nigh to forbidden places and amid thunder of orchestras
In a dream of forfeited harmony metals lament and from the strings
Is wafted a torrent of songs like the earliest tempest of earth over weariness of souls;—
Beneath electrifying gesture of maidens, where sparkle dazing spring-tides,
Night-time of destiny resounds in soaring of kisses, stars are as lips aglow
And woman, suddenly blenching at the outcry of her hidden name, in agonies
As upon stairs oozing with blood, descends to the enchanted wells of life,