Page:Anthology of Modern Slavonic Literature in Prose and Verse by Paul Selver.djvu/358

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Nazor, Vladimir (b. 1876). Croatian poet of the younger geveration. His sonnets and lyrical phantasies are full of a delicate charm and an admirable precision of form.296
Neruda, Jan (1834–1891). Czech author, whose varied activity both in prose and verse was of considerable importance. As a poet Neruda showed a width of range which up till his time had not been achieved in Czech literature. His ballads, his elegies, his patriotic poems, unite brilliant clarity of diction and directness of utterance. By his proseworks, Neruda has gained an almost unique reputation in his native country. His numerous feuilletons in "Národní Listy," the chief daily paper of Prague, became almost proverbial for their versatility and sparkling wit. He also wrote many sketches of travel and short stories, in which the homely humour is often similar to the style of Dickens.134
Novák, Arne. Czech literary historian and professor at the University of Prague. His numerous works of criticism, which already rank as authoritative, are distinguished by both erudition and insight.140