Page:Anthony Hope - The Dolly Dialogues.djvu/127

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I don't ask you for more than a guinea,' said Mrs. Hilary, with a parade of forbearance.

'It would be the same,' I replied politely, 'if you asked me for a thousand'; with which I handed her half-a-crown. She held it in her open hand, regarding it scornfully.

'Yes,' I continued, taking a seat, 'I feel that pecuniary gifts——'


'Are a poor substitute for personal service. May not I accompany you to the ceremony?'

'I daresay you spent as much as this on wine with your lunch!'

'I was in a mad mood to-day,' I answered apologetically. 'What are they taught at the school?'

'Above all, to be good girls,' said Mrs. Hilary earnestly. 'What are you sneering at, Mr. Carter?'

'Nothing,' said I hastily; and I added with a sigh, 'I suppose it's all right.'

'I should like,' said Mrs. Hilary meditatively,