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THE MORMON PROPHET. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50.

"A striking story. . . . Immensely interesting and diverting, and as a romance it certainly has a unique power."—Boston Herald.

"In 'The Mormon Prophet' Miss Lily Dougall has told, in strongly dramatic form, the story of Joseph Smith and of the growth of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints, which has again come prominently before the public through the election of a polygamist to Congress. . . . Miss Dougall has handled her subject with consummate skill. . . . She has rightly seen that this man's life contained splendid material for a historical novel. She has taken no unwarranted liberties with the truth, and has succeeded in furnishing a story whose scope broadens with each succeeding chapter until the end."—New York Mail and Express.

"Mormonism is not ordinarily regarded as capable of romantic treatment, but in the hands of Miss Dougall it has yielded results which are calculated to attract the general public as well as the student of psychology. . . . Miss Dougall has handled a difficult theme with conspicuous delicacy; the most sordid details of the narrative are redeemed by the glamour of her style, her analysis of the strangely mixed character of the prophet is remarkable for its detachment and impartiality, while in Susannah Halsy she has given us a really beautiful study of nobly compassionate womanhood. We certainly know of no more illuminative commentary on the rise of this extraordinary sect than is furnished by Miss Dougall's novel"—London Spectator.

"Miss Dougall may be congratulated both on her choice of a subject for her new book and on her remarkably able and interesting treatment of it. ... A fascinating story, winch is even more remarkable and more fascinating as a psychological study."—The Scotsman.

THE MADONNA OF A DAY. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50 cents.

"An entirely unique story. Alive with incident and related in a fresh and captivating style."—Philadelphia Press.

"A novel that stands quite by itself, and that in theme as well as in artistic merit should make a very strong appeal to the mind of a sympathetic reader."—Boston Beacon.

THE MERMAID. 12010. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50 cents.

"The author of this novel has the gift of contrivance and the skill to sustain the interest of a plot through all its development. 'The Mermaid ' is an odd and interesting story."—New York Times.

THE ZEIT-GEIST. 16mo. Cloth, 75 cents.

One of the most remarkable novels."—New York Commercial Advertiser.