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running backwards. And why in the era of Cosmopolitan magazine must we suffer the stodgyiness of a Leviathan? We much prefer reading Fortune-the magazine for “the men in charge of change”-for our analysis of capitalism.

There is no getting around it-we need new formats, entirely new formats. Otherwise we will never sharpen our wits. To break out of the spell of print requires a conscious effort to think a new language. We should no longer be immobilized by other people’s words. Don’t wait for the news to tell you what’s happening. Make your own headlines with prestype. Cut up your favorite magazine and put it together again. Cut big words in half and make little words out of them-like ENVIRON MENTAL CRISIS. All you need is a good pair of scissors and rubber cement. Abuse the enemy’s images. Turn the Man from Glad into a Frankenstein. Make comic strips out of great art. Don’t let anything interfere with your pleasure.

Don’t read any more books-at least not straight through. As G.B. Kay from Blackpool once said (quoting somebody else), “Reading rots the mind.” Pamphlets are so much more fun. Read randomly, write on the margins and go back to comics. You might try the Silver Surfer for a start.