Page:Antony and Cleopatra (1921) Yale.djvu/120

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The Tragedy of

I should, and thou couldst not. My queen and Eros
Have by their brave instruction got upon me
A nobleness in record; but I will be
A bridegroom in my death, and run into 't 100
As to a lover's bed. Come, then; and, Eros,
Thy master dies thy scholar: to do thus
[Falls on his sword.]
I learn' d of thee. How! not dead? not dead?
The guard, ho! O! dispatch me.

Enter [Dercetas and] Guard.

First Guard. What's the noise? 104

Ant. I have done my work ill, friends: O! make an end.
Of what I have begun.

Sec. Guard. The star is fallen.

First Guard. And time is at his period.

All. Alas, and woe!

Ant. Let him that loves me strike me dead.

First Guard. Not I. 108

Sec. Guard. Nor I.

Third Guard. Nor any one. Exeunt [Guard].

Der. Thy death and fortunes bid thy followers fly.
This sword but shown to Cæsar, with this tidings, 112
Shall enter me with him.

Enter Diomedes.

Dio. Where's Antony?

Der. There, Diomed, there.

Dio. Lives he?
Wilt thou not answer, man? [Exit Dercetas.]

Ant. Art thou there, Diomed? Draw thy sword, and give me 116

98 instruction: teaching
99 A nobleness in record; cf. n.