Page:Antony and Cleopatra (1921) Yale.djvu/31

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Antony and Cleopatra, I. v

Cæs. Doubt not, sir;
I knew it for my bond. Exeunt.

Scene Five

[Alexandria. A Room in the Palace]

Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Mardian.

Cleo. Charmian!

Char. Madam!

Cleo. Ha, ha!
Give me to drink mandragora.

Char. Why, madam? 4

Cleo. That I might sleep out this great gap of time
My Antony is away.

Char. You think of him too much.

Cleo. O! 'tis treason.

Char. Madam, I trust, not so.

Cleo. Thou, eunuch Mardian!

Mar. What's your highness' pleasure? 8

Cleo. Not now to hear thee sing; I take no pleasure
In aught a eunuch has. 'Tis well for thee,
That, being unseminar'd, thy freer thoughts
May not fly forth of Egypt. Hast thou affections? 12

Mar. Yes, gracious madam.

Cleo. Indeed!

Mar. Not in deed, madam; for I can do nothing
But what in deed is honest to be done; 16
Yet have I fierce affections, and think
What Venus did with Mars.

Cleo. O Charmian!

4 mandragora: mandrake, a narcotic
11 unseminar'd: unsexed