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Antony and Cleopatra, II. ii

Before did satisfy you. If you'll patch a quarrel, 56
As matter whole you have not to make it with,
It must not be with this.

Cæs. You praise yourself
By laying defects of judgment to me, but
You patch'd up your excuses.

Ant. Not so, not so; 60
I know you could not lack, I am certain on 't,
Very necessity of this thought, that I,
Your partner in the cause 'gainst which he fought,
Could not with graceful eyes attend those wars 64
Which fronted mine own peace. As for my wife,
I would you had her spirit in such another:
The third o' the world is yours, which with a snaffle
You may pace easy, but not such a wife. 68

Eno. Would we had all such wives, that the
men might go to wars with the women!

Ant. So much uncurbable, her garboils, Cæsar,
Made out of her impatience,—which not wanted 72
Shrewdness of policy too,—I grieving grant
Did you too much disquiet; for that you must
But say I could not help it.

Cæs. I wrote to you
When rioting in Alexandria; you 76
Did pocket up my letters, and with taunts
Did gibe my missive out of audience.

Ant. Sir,
He fell upon me, ere admitted: then
Three kings I had newly feasted, and did want 80
Of what I was i' the morning; but next day
I told him of myself, which was as much
As to have ask'd him pardon. Let this fellow

67, 68 The third o' the world . . . wife; cf. n.
78 missive: messenger