Page:Antony and Cleopatra (1921) Yale.djvu/43

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Antony and Cleopatra, II. ii

At heel of that, defy him.

Lep. Time calls upon 's: 164
Of us must Pompey presently be sought,
Or else he seeks out us.

Ant. Where lies he?

Cæs. About the Mount Misenum.

Ant. What's his strength
By land?

Cæs. Great and increasing; but by sea 168
He is an absolute master.

Ant. So is the fame.
Would we had spoke together! Haste we for it;
Yet, ere we put ourselves in arms, dispatch we
The business we have talk'd of.

Cæs. With most gladness; 172
And do invite you to my sister's view,
Whither straight I'll lead you.

Ant. Let us, Lepidus,
Not lack your company.

Lep. Noble Antony,
Not sickness should detain me. 176

Flourish. Exeunt [all save] Enobarbus, Agrippa, Mæcenas.

Mæc. Welcome from Egypt, sir.

Eno. Half the heart of Cæsar, worthy Mæ-
cenas! My honourable friend, Agrippa!

Agr. Good Enobarbus! 180

Mæc. We have cause to be glad that matters
are so well digested. You stayed well by 't in

Eno. Ay, sir; we did sleep day out of coun- 184
tenance, and made the night light with drinking.

169 fame: rumor
170 spoke: euphemism for 'fought'