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Antony and Cleopatra, III. iii

Scene Three

[Alexandria. A Room in the Palace]

Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Alexas.

Cleo. Where is the fellow?

Alex. Half afeard to come.

Cleo. Go to, go to.

Enter the Messenger as before.

Come hither, sir.

Alex. Good majesty,
Herod of Jewry dare not look upon you
But when you are well pleas'd.

Cleo. That Herod's head 4
I'll have; but how, when Antony is gone
Through whom I might command it? Come thou near.

Mess. Most gracious majesty!

Cleo. Didst thou behold

Mess. Ay, dread queen.

Cleo. Where?

Mess. Madam, in Rome; 8
I look'd her in the face, and saw her led
Between her brother and Mark Antony.

Cleo. Is she as tall as me?

Mess. She is not, madam.

Cleo. Didst hear her speak? is she shrill-tongu'd, or low? 12

Mess. Madam, I heard her speak; she is low-voic'd.

Cleo. That's not so good. He cannot like her long.

3 Herod of Jewry; cf. n.