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The members of the Reformed Church being much treated of in the Apocalypse, in its spiritual sense, it is expedient, before entering upon its explication, to unfold their doctrines in the following order: On God; on Christ the Lord; on Justification by Faith, and on Good Works; on the Law and the Gospel; on Repentance and Confession; on Original Sin; on Baptism; on the Holy Supper; on Free-will; and on the Church.

"I. On God. Of God they believe according to the Athanasian creed, which, as it is in the hands of every one, is not here inserted. That they believe in God the Father as the creator and preserver; in God the Son as the saviour and redeemer; and in the Holy Spirit as the illuminator and sanctifier, is also well known.

"II. On Christ the Lord. Concerning the person of Christ, the same doctrine is not taught by all the reformed; the Lutherans teach that the Virgin Mary not only conceived and brought forth a real man, but also the real Son of God, whence she is justly called, and truly is, the mother of God. That in Christ there are two natures, a divine and a human, the divine from eternity, and the human in time; that these two natures are personally united, altogether in such a manner, that there are not two Christs, one the son of God, and the