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"In congratulation of the oustanding achievement of humanity's arrival on the Moon."

Prime Minister


"On behalf of all the people of Kenya, I congratulate the people of America for accomplishing arrival on the Moon. It is a very inspiring event for all mankind that we have been able to reach the Moon. It is clear that we all are brothers here on Earth and that is our obligation to cooperate together in all endeavors."

President Kenyatta


"The landing on the Moon by Apollo 11 is a brilliant feat of all mankind which makes men's dreams a reality and marks a new chapter of human history. This great achievement is a result of man's constant striving for progress towards a brighter destiny. Now, realization of man's adventure into yet further reaches of space seems but a few steps away.

On this historic occasion, we do solemnly pledge ourselves to work together on this Earth for the better world with lasting peace and prosperity for all mankind. Let us celebrate the first landing of men on the Moon, the symbol of eternal grace and the mirror of man's true heart, with a new spirit which will inspire mankind to realize the ideal of civilization in which men live in justice, freedom, and unity."


