Page:Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's Botanical Register.djvu/56

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the habit of Barbacenia, and flowers more than an inch and half long. The second, which I propose to name Androstemma junceum,209 is a rushy plant of no beauty, although its flowers are an inch and half long, for they are green and buried among the leaves.

Finally, of the well-known genus Anigozanthus there are not only the A. Manglesii and flavida with their beautiful green and purple varieties, but there is a dwarf species still handsomer than they are, in consequence of the compactness of the flowers and the short neat foliage; this A. humilis210 would be a handsome addition to our gardens; a figure of it is given at B in Plate VI.


About sixty species of this interesting order have already been discovered in this Colony; and if we regard either their singular structure, or their beautiful forms, or the fragrance, large size and gaudy colours of many of them, it is impossible to say that they at all yield in interest to the epiphytes of tropical countries. They are however all terrestrial; and there is an opinion that Orchidaceæ of that kind cannot be made to yield to the arts of cultivation. When, however, we consider how many plants are now common of which the same opinion was formerly entertained, and moreover how much beyond the skill of the last race of gardeners is that of the present day, I think it would be discreditable to the art, and a libel upon the science of horticulture, to say that in the cultivation of these plants there are any difficulties which patience and skill ought not to overcome. The great obstacles to encounter in the outset are, 1. to obtain the

(209) Androstemma. Perianthium extus tomentosum, semisuperum, cylindraceum: limbo æquali sexpartito reflexo. Stamina 6, fauce inserta, æqualia, longè exserta; antheris linearibus rectis. Ovarium 3-loculare, polyspermum: placentis in centro axeos sphæricis; stylus subulatus basi 3-partibilis. Stigma simplicissimum.

Androstemma junceum. Acaulis, radice multicipiti. Folia spithamæa, compresso-teretia, acuminata, erecta, glaberrima. Flores 1½ poll. longi, extus virides, tomentosi, limbi laciniis æquilongis angustissimis reflexis. Pedicelli breves, uniflori, erecti, apice bracteas quasdam membranaceas gerentes.

(210) Anigozanthus humilis (Tab. VI. B); rhizomate cormoideo squamato cyanescente, foliis falcatis hirsutis et glabriusculis scapo simplici lanato multò brevioribus, racemo secundo elongato, perianthii limbo erecto, antheris muticis.