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STATES. Male schools. Female schools. Total. Number of male pupils. Number of female pupils. Total number of pupils. Annual cost of the schools.
1. Aguascalientes 53 26 79 4,800 1,200 6,000 $10,000
2. Campeche 43 14 57 8,600 700 4,300 15,000
3. Coahuila 70 30 100 5,230 2,127 7,357 26,000
4. Colima 18 17 35 1,452 1,502 2,954 18,000
5. Chiapas 78 12 90 2,125 500 2,625 10,000
6. Chihuahua 73 40 113 3,350 928 4,278 28,473
7. Durango 95 30 125 3,102 1,350 4,452 20,000
8. Guanajuato 176 145 321 10,754 7,045 17,799 81,386
9. Guerrero 392 28 420 13,006 1,755 14,761 34,965
10. Hidalgo 412 76 518 15,819 3,371 19,190 82,287
11. Jalisco 439 275 714 28,376 11,160 39,536 100,000
12. Mexico 887 181 1,068 41,321 10,245 51,566 187,216
13. Michoacan 154 89 243 7,000 3,200 10,200 52,756
14. Morelos 47 40 87 8,209 5,387 13,596 22,866
15. Nuevo-Leon 181 104 285 8,928 4,732 13,660 68,000
16. Oaxaca 234 47 281 16,420 3,296 19,716 50,982
17. Puebla 889 118 1,007 50,320 15,000 65,320 153,000
18. Querétaro 101 62 163 6,271 2,922 9,193 30,000
19. San Luis Potosi 183 56 239 9,486 3,690 13,176 40,000
20. Sinaloa 238 42 280 6,600 2,600 9,200 58,000
21. Sonora 80 25 105 3,500 740 4,240 20,000
22. Tabasco 48 17 65 2,695 525 3,220 20,000
23. Tlaxcala 176 18 194 8,109 1,550 9,650 20,000
24. Tamaulipas 60 …. 60 4,000 …. 4,000 10,000
25. Vera Cruz 580 149 729 20,021 5,937 25,958 218,985
26. Yucatan 163 39 202 8,659 2,643 11,302 50,000
27. Zacatecas 311 178 489 13,788 6,658 20,391 72,000
Ter'y of Lower California 17 9 26 677 367 1,044 10,000
Total 6,228 1,867 8,095 307,559 101,125 408,684 1,510,446



About sixty newspapers are published in Mexico. Most of them are printed in Spanish, and some are in French and in English. In the City of Mexico there are several daily papers in Spanish and two in French. The Monitor Republicano, which has an edition of about seven thousand copies, is said to have the largest circulation, while that of many of the other newspapers does not exceed five hundred. One semi-weekly English paper, The Two Republics, and one weekly journal half in Spanish and half