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Section IV.

The Mexican National Railway (Compañía Constructora Nacional Mexicana).

(For description of this railway, see Part First.)

We will first sketch the western branch of this railway, from Mexico to Manzanillo, on the Pacific coast, and then give an account of the northern route, from Acambaro Junction to Laredo and Corpus Christi. The region adjacent to the railroad, and connections by stage and horseback with stations along the line, will be described in detail.

Route I.


1. Mexico to Toluca.
2. Toluca to Maravatio.
3. Maravatio to Morelia.
4. Morelia to Pátzcuaro and thence to Manzanillo.
5. Pátzcuaro via Ario to Jorullo.

1. From Mexico to Toluca, 73 kilometres, or 45¼ miles. Time, 3½ hours. Two passenger-trains daily. Take left-hand side of the train for view.

Leaving the station of Colonia, the line passes over the fertile plain of Mexico. The castle of Chapultepec is seen on the left. The first station is Union de Tacuba (4•59 kilometres); the next station is Union de Naucalpan (8•62 kilometres). Now the land begins to rise, and the grade soon becomes very heavy. Passing the hamlet of San Bartolo (9•18 kilometres), we reach Rio Hondo (14•28 kilome-